for the good customer completes the product to build the good team -凯发k8国际娱乐官网入口

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for the good customer completes the product to build the good team - the center of the brand center twenty-third delegates conference successfully convened

        on july 7, 2017 -9, the twenty-third representative meeting of the team building brand construction - jay transmission sales service center was successfully held in guilin, guangxi. through a series of activities such as "theme exchange, theme salon, theme report" and "council meeting, performance bulletin, signing ceremony" and other series of activities, the meeting further clarified the win-win ecosphere relationship of "jack headquarters, jack center, central customers", strengthened the central "7222515" plan, the "3355" plan requirements and the next half year action plan. it lays a solid foundation for good customers, products and team building.
