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to enhance the efficiency of the supply chain to build win-win ecosystem - jie drive supplier representative meeting 2017

      on march 25-26, 2017 jie drive supplier representative conference was held. the meeting focused on the theme of training, work reports, awards ceremony, signing ceremony, keynote speech, etc.. on the meeting, jie drive products, quality assurance department, sourcing department responsible person respectively made working report, general manager chen demu issued a "lean lean lean quality, cost, delivery, service, lean lean technology" and other awards for outstanding supplier representative and the supplier representative field cooperation signing.

      the keynote session, chen on the "team building, brand building" theme, entitled "wonderful speech jie drive ecosystem construction plan". chen pointed out that the construction of jie drive ecosystem, we must do five services: active service, fast service, free service, housekeeping services, strategic services, while continuing to deepen the strategic services, combined with technological innovation, combined with lean production, joint quality research, joint marketing, joint development of new products, and talent training; the construction of jie drive ecosystem, but also in accordance with the integration of suppliers resources, promotion plan and steps of supply chain efficiency, build win-win ecosystem gradually carry out, to implement the "qcdst evaluation criteria of supplier quality evaluation, supplier evaluation, supplier delivery cost evaluation, supplier evaluation, supplier service evaluation" etc..

chen delivered a keynote speech

product director for product innovation planning report

assistant to quality management director for quality assurance plan

purchasing director for strategic sourcing work report

the supplier representatives jie drive

delegates posed for pictures
